That ought to work. If you're interested, here is a modified version which uses eight rows. It has a couple of "quirks." Rows 6, 7, and 8 are treated as the
second key (i.e. number keys 7, 4, and 1) as being the third keys (as you did
with the +/- key in the labeling part of the program. Also, in the list making
subroutine, the program asks for input for keys (6,2), (7,2), and (8,2), but
the final menu does nothing with the information. Key inputs on rows 6, 7, and
8 actually begin with (6,3), (7,3), and (8,3). Although these "quirks" can
confuse someone that doesn't know about them, they do not affect the menu
program (which seems to work just fine). Also, if you want to use the menus to
run programs, I've found that input such as { HOME poly RT} works well as a key
assignment. Oops, put an EVAL command after the { directory path}. Anyways,
P.S. Check over the first program above and compare it to yours. I had to
make a number of typo corrections to the original PHYCONST programs on Wayne
Scott's mailserver. I even had to put in my best guess for a line of code which seemed to be missing. I haven't found any bugs with the program, so I probably guessed right. If the first program is correct, it should be reposted to